Pebble and Shell Painting

Pebble Painting

Like any art activity, painting pebbles with your kids might get messy, but that’s not a problem if you’ve got Little Brian Paint Sticks! They are perfect for painting on smaller items such as pebbles, stones and shells.

Painting pebbles and shells is a fun and memorable way to finish up a day trip to the beach, a riverside walk, or a woodland scavenger hunt. Your children will enjoy collecting a small bucket or tub full of treasures to keep or transform into their own masterpieces.

Simply decide what you’re going to use the finished pebble or shell for and use Paint Sticks to unleash creativity and design a masterpiece!

Allow the paint to dry and if you would like a shiny smooth finish, we would recommend coating it with a protective layer of clear nail varnish. Once this is dry, your painted stone is complete! Take our own little tip and make it your own! Make sure you tag us in your creations on social media Instagram, Facebook, Twitter!